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「換版」2021 Texture版畫工作室國際交換計畫

Texture版畫工作室抱持著聖誕節的交換禮物般的心情,舉辦『換版Exchanging Texture』給來自世界各地的版畫家。藉由交換計畫,讓來自世界各地的版畫創作者互相交流。身為創作者的我們,樂於分享自己的創作給相同的愛好者,也希望能把這分喜悅分享給全世界:) Texture Printmaking Studio organizes “Exchanging Texture” for printmakers around the world. When we make prints, we also create some "Textures." Let's exchange these with others, with the same anticipation as exchanging Christmas gifts! We hope printmakers can also share their ideas with one another in this program. As printmakers, we are willing to share the happiness of creating artworks with enthusiasts like us, so we also hope to share this happiness with the rest of the world.

_展覽地點與時間 Exhibitions info_

* 岩筆模mbmore * |4/23 - 7/4 |11am-7pm (週一公休) 地址:10343 台北市大同區南京西路275號1樓 1F, No.275, Nanjing W. Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, Taiwan

誠摯邀請你一同到場參與展覽:) I sincerely invite you to participate in the exhibition together.

_ 作品皆有一件可購買,盈餘為工作室&下屆換版營運經費 _

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